A few nice exercise images I found:

Exercise BALTOPS with the Fleet Royal Navy Flagship HMS Ocean
Image by Royal Navy Media Archive
Exercise BALTOPS with the Fleet Royal Navy Flagship HMS Ocean. Picture: LA(Phot) Luron Wright
With pinpoint precision the Royal Navy has lined up 49 warships and captured a series of stunning photographs.
BALTOPS – a major annual NATO exercise – is now underway in the Baltic Sea with the exercise opening with potentially one of the trickiest manoeuvres of the series.
It involved bringing together ships from 17 nations – some less than 200 yards (182 metres) apart – and then moving them through a series of complex formations that tested their communications and navigational expertise.
But after weeks of planning it was executed with amazing skill by the Bridge team of the Royal Navy Flagship HMS Ocean.
Over the course of several hours, and in near perfect conditions, the team brought together amphibious landing platforms, destroyers, frigates and minehunters for the complicated series of movements – the like of which have not been seen before with so many nations.

Exercise BALTOPS with the Royal Navy Fleet Flagship HMS Ocean
Image by Royal Navy Media Archive
Exercise BALTOPS with the Royal Navy Fleet Flagship HMS Ocean. Picture: LA(Phot) Luron Wright
With pinpoint precision the Royal Navy has lined up 49 warships and captured a series of stunning photographs.
BALTOPS – a major annual NATO exercise – is now underway in the Baltic Sea with the exercise opening with potentially one of the trickiest manoeuvres of the series.
It involved bringing together ships from 17 nations – some less than 200 yards (182 metres) apart – and then moving them through a series of complex formations that tested their communications and navigational expertise.
But after weeks of planning it was executed with amazing skill by the Bridge team of the Royal Navy Flagship HMS Ocean.
Over the course of several hours, and in near perfect conditions, the team brought together amphibious landing platforms, destroyers, frigates and minehunters for the complicated series of movements – the like of which have not been seen before with so many nations.

Beach Exercise
Santa Monica Beach near Shutters on the Beach, California

but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:23-25

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