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MummyStrength Pull Up Assist & Mobility Bands

Ω WHATS IN IT FOR YOU? – You have your pick, really. Choose one of our durable bands with resistances from 5 to 175 pounds! Each band is premium grade rubber designed to meet your specific resistance needs. Not only that, but you’ll receive a FREE bonus as well! Included as a free download with your purchase, is a digital quick start guide with 9 Warm-ups & 11 muscle toning exercises! If you’re wondering which band to buy, just look at our photo chart in the images!
Ω SUPREME VERSATILITY – These bands aren’t JUST for pull-ups! Tie it to a column or post and use it for rows or a great twisting oblique workout. You can even stand on it for shoulder presses or curls! These resistance bands were designed to support your weight, but are versatile enough to allow you to create one of the most challenging “Workouts Of the Day” ever!
Ω THERAPY GRADE – Maybe this isn’t your first try at a pull-up. Maybe an injury put you out of the game, and you need a helping hand getting back up. Our bands are top tier quality, and can offer the support you need to get that chin over the bar again, while increasing mobility and giving you back your strength.

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